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WWE Royal Rumble 2021 Results – January 31st, 2021
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Women’s Royal Rumble Match

Entrant #1: Bayley

Entrant #2: Naomi

Bayley tells Naomi she’s already beat her. Naomi blast Bayley with a kick and twerks. Head kick by Naomi. Naomi lands the Rear View. Naomi tries to lift Bayley over the top. Bayley puts on the breaks.

Entrant #3: Bianca Belair

Belair goes right after Bayley. Bayley slides under the rope to avoid getting tossed over the top. Naomi tries to powerbomb Belair but Belair puts on the breaks. Belair and Naomi cartwheel around the ring trying to powerbomb each other. Bayley almost dumps them both over the top

Entrant #4: Billie Kay

Kay sits at the announce desk and never gets in the ring.

Entrant #5: Shotzi Blackheart

Blackheart shoots Kay with a missile from her tank. Blackheart dropkicks Bayley off the top and hits a senton Belair.

Entrant #6: Shayna Baszler

Kay tries to give Baszler her resume and 8X10 but Baszler knocks her into the barricade. Baszler joins the brawl in the ring.

Entrant #7: Toni Storm

Storm ignores Kay and hits a few German suplexes in the ring. Storm hits a hip attack in the corner to Naomi. Naomi responds with the Rear View. Blackheart tries a head kick but Baszler picks her up and dumps her over the top.

Shotzi Blackheart has been Eliminated

Entrant #8: Jillian Hall!!!

Hall agrees to team up with Kay. Kay and Hall hit the ring and almost eliminate Naomi.

Entrant #9: Ruby Riott

Riott hits the ring and drops Belair with the STO.

Entrant #10: Victoria!

Victoria slams and suplexes everyone in the ring before eating a dropkick by Naomi.

Entrant # 11: Peyton Royce

Royce and Kay team up and attack Victoria. Royce hits her version of the Widow’s Peak. Victoria grabs Royce and hits the real Widow’s Peak.

Entrant #12: Santana Garrett

Entrant #13: Liv Morgan

Kay boots Hall off the apron.

Jillian Hall has been Eliminated

As Kay celebrates, Ruby Riott dumps Kay over the top.

Billie Kay has been Eliminated

Entrant #14: Rhea Ripley

Ripley immediately goes after Storm. Ripley tosses Storm over the top.

Toni Storm had been Eliminated

Baszler puts Victoria in the Kirifiuda Clutch and drops her off the apron for the elimination.

Victora has been Eliminated

Ripley tosses Garrett over the top but she lands in the apron. Garrett does a split to avoid a strike, but Ripley kicks her in the face, sending her flying off the apron.

Santana Garrett has been Eliminated

Entrant #15: Charlotte Flair

Flair goes right for Ripley. Bayley slides between Riott’s legs and powerbombs her off the apron for the elimination.

Ruby Riott has been Eliminated

Entrant #16: Dana Brooke

Royce kicks Morgan in the head as she is trying to dump out Bayley. Morgan falls to the outside.

Liv Morgan has been Eliminated

Entrant #17: Torrie Wilson

Ripley powerbombs Brooke on the apron. Brooke falls to the outside.

ana Brooke has been Eliminated

Entrant #18: Lacey Evans w/Ric Flair

Evans is wearing the same robe Charlotte wore to the ring tonight. Evans slowly gets in the ring. Flair attacks her from behind. Flair stomps Evans. Flair and Evans rolls under the bottom rope and fight outside the ring. Flair gets back in the ring and dumps out Royce over the top.

Peyton Royce has been Eliminated

Belair dumps out Bayley.

Bayley has been Eliminated

Entrant #19: Mickie James

James kicks Evans in the face on her way to the ring. Evans is out on the floor, but still in the match.

Entrant #20: Nikki Cross

Entrant #21: Alicia Fox

As Fox gets in the ring, R-Truth runs down to the ring. R-Truth realizes this is the wrong Rumble. The 24/7 field runs down to the ring. R-Truth uses Fox as a weapon to stop any of them from getting in the ring. Fox rolls up R-Truth to win the 24/7 title.

Winner and NEW 24/7 Champion, Alicia Fox!

Entrant #22: Mandy Rose

Rose dumps out Fox.

Alicia Fox has been Eliminated

R-Truth rolls up Fox to win back the 24/7 title.

Winner and NEW 24/7 Champion, R-Truth

Entrant #23: Dakota Kai

Evans hits the Women’s Right to knock James over the top.

Mickie James has been Eliminated

Ripley dumps out Kai.

Dakota Kai has been Eliminated

Entrant #24 Carmella

Carmella dumps out Cross.

Nikki Cross has been Eliminated

Carmella is tosses over the top bu Reginal catches her.

Entrant #25: Tamina

Tamina superkicks Reginald, which makes him drop Carmella.

Carmella has been Eliminated

Entrant #26: Lana

Entrant #27: Alexa Bliss Bliss laughs and jokes as she lands a few moves. Everyone attacks Bliss. Bliss is about to transform but Ripley dumps her over the top before she can!

Alexa Bliss has been Eliminated

Entrant #28# Ember Moon

Moon hits the ring and drops Baszler with the Eclypse. Baszler rolls under the bottom rope.

Entrant #29: Nia Jax

Jax helps Baszler up. They both get in the ring. Baszler dumps Evans, Jax dumps Moon. Jax and Baszler press slam Naomi over the top rope.

Lacey Evans, Ember Moon, and Naomi have been Eliminated

Jax and Baszler toss out Tamina.

Tamina has been Eliminated

Jax grabs Baszler and tosses her over the top while she isn’t paying attention.

Shayna Baszler has been Eliminated

Lana jumps on Jax’s back. Jax tosses her away. Jax chases Lana. Lana pulls down the top rope while Jax is charging in. Jax falls out over the top rope.

Nia Jax has been Eliminated

Entrant #30: Natalya

Baszler and Jax beat up Natalya, then everyone who is left in the ring. Baszler and Jax toss Natalya back into the ring. Natalya acts as if she is going to help Lana but tosses her over the top rope.

Lana has been Eliminated

The final four are Flair, Natalya, Bianca Belair, and Ripley. Belair dumps Natalya as she is trying to dump Ripley. Belair and Ripley beat the crap out of Flair. Flair suplexes Belair. Belair and Ripley knock Flair off the apron.

Charlotte Flair has been Eliminated

Ripley tries to toss out Belair but they both fall over the top and hook the ropes. They are both left sitting on the apron. Ripley says let’s not do anything stupid. They both slowly get back in the ring. Ripley and Belair both facebuster each other at the same time. Both women are down. Ripley and Belar both attempt their finishes but neither can hit it. Belair obliterates Ripley with a lariat that sends Ripley flying over the top rope for the win!

Rhea Ripley has been Eliminated

Winner- Bianca Belair

After the match, Belair cries as she says she did it. She’s going to WrestleMania.

WWE Royal Rumble 2019 Results – January 27th, 2019
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Women’s Royal Rumble Match: 

Entrant #1: Lacey Evans
Evans says she is here to clean up the WWE Women’s division.
Entrant #2: Natalya
Natalya clotheslines Evan over the top but Evan lands on the apron. Evans rolls back into the ring and clotheslines Natalya. Discus lariat by Natalya.
Entrant #3: Mandy Rose
Evans misses a moonsault off the top. Natalya dropkicks Evans and Rose. Natalya puts Evans and Rose in a double Sharpshooter. Evans and Rose tap but it doesn’t matter.
Entrant #4: Liv Morgan
Morgan gets in the ring and Natalya tosses her right over the top rope.
Liv Morgan has been Eliminated.
Evans and Rose double team Natalya. Evans decks Rose. Evans hits her bronco buster on Rose and Natalya at the same time.
Entrant #5: Mickie James
James spin kicks Natalya. James tries to hurricanrana Rose out of the ring but rose almost pushes James over the top. James slides back in the ring and is about to eliminate Rose. Evans saves Rose.
Entrant #6: Ember Moon
Moon immediately hits a springboard splash on James and Rose. Moon struggles to eliminate Rose. James saves Rose (for some reason).
Entrant #7: Billie Kay
Kay walks down to the ring and refuses to get in. Kay watches while the women battle in the ring.
Entrant #8: Nikki Cross
Cross runs down to the ring and attacks Kay. Cross pushes Kay into the barricade. Cross goes up top and dives onto everyone. Cross almost tosses Evans over the top. Evans holds onto the top rope. Cross bulldogs James. Cross reverse DDTs Rose.
Entrant #9: Peyton Royce
Royce gets in the ring and attacks Cross. Moon surprises Royce with a head scissors. The IIconics try to pry Moon’s hands off the top rope to eliminate her. Moom manages to hold on.
Entrant #10: Tamina
Tamina hits everyone with a Samoan drop. Cross tries to square up with Tamina. Cross punches Tamina and Tamina falls through the ropes. Tamina gets back in the ring and superkicks Cross. Tamina Superfly splashes Cross. James catches Tamina with a seated senton off the top. Tamina tosses out James
Mickie James has been Eliminated.
Entrant #11: Xia Li
Li kicks Tamina in the head. Li hits a spin kick on Tamina.
Entrant #12: Sarah Logan
Logan attacks Natalya. Logan boots Moon in the face. Moon falls off the apron but her feet hook the bottom rope to keep her from being eliminated. The IIconics toss out Cross.
Nikki Cross has been Eliminated.
Entrant #13: Charlotte Flair
Flair gets in the ring and most of the heels attack her. Flair suplexes Evans, then Moon. Lacey Evans eliminates both Royce and Kay.
The IIconics have been Eliminated.
Flair boots Li in the face sending her over the top.
Xia Li has been Eliminated.
Entrant #14: Kairi Sane
Flair tosses Tamina over the top.
Tamina has been Eliminated.
Sane dives off the top and elbows Logan. Flair and Sane trade chops. Sane drops the InSANE elbow on Logan. Logan is tossed over the top.
Sarah Logan has been Eliminated.
Entrant #15: Maria Kanellis
Evans and Flair square off. Kanellis yells that they need to pay attention to her. Flair and Evans deck Kanellis. Kanellis bulldogs Evans and Flair. Flair spears Kanellis.
Entrant #16: Naomi
Naomi goes right after Rose. Naomi tries to suplex Rose out of the ring. Naomi kicks Rose in the head. Rose falls out of the ring.
Mandy Rose has been Eliminated.
Rose pulls Naomi off the apron but Naomi puts her feet on the barricade. Naomi leaps off the barricade to the ring steps. Rose grabs Naomi’s foot and pulls her off the steps to cause the elimination.
Naomi has been Eliminated.
Flair throws Evans over the top.
Lacey Evans has been Eliminated.
Entrant #17: Candice LeRae
LeRae missile dropkicks Moon. LeRae puts Moon in the octopus hold. Moon gut busters LeRae.
Entrant #18: Alicia Fox
Kanellis tries convinces Fox to work with her. Fox dropkicks Sane. Kanellis DDTs Sane. Kanellis stomps on Fox’s hat for some reason. Fox drops to the mat and has a tantrum.
Entrant #19: Kacy Catanzaro
Catanzaro hits a dropkick and a ranna on Natalya. Catanzaro hits her handstand head scissors but Fox lands on the apron. Fox back breakers Catanzaro.
Entrant #20: Zelina Vega
Vega is dressed like Vega from Street Fighter. Vega and LeRae get in each other’s face. Vega and LeRae tear into each other. LeRae dropkicks Vega.
Entrant #21: Ruby Riott
Riott has Logan and Morgan with her. The Riott Squad pulls Flair under the ring. Vega rolls to the outside and hides under the ring. Ruby Riott tosses Fox over the top. The Riott Squad pulls LeRae out of the ring and eats a powerbomb.
Alicia Fox and Candice LeRae have been Eliminated.
Entrant #22: Dana Brooke
Brooke powerbombs Catanzaro. Riott sends Sane out of the ring. Sane hits the floor hard.
Kairi Sane has been Eliminated
Entrant #23: Io Shirai
Shirai dropkicks Logan and Morgan outside the ring. Shirai hits a golden triangle moonsault to the outside onto the entire Riott Squad.
Entrant #24: Rhea Ripley
Ripley hits the ring and flapjacks Brooke. Brooke kicks Catanzaro out of the ring. Catanzaro’s feet didn’t touch the ground. Catanzaro walks on her hands and pulls herself back up by the ring post. Ripley press slams Catanzaro out of the ring.
Kacy Catanzaro has been Eliminated.
Entrant #25: Sonya Deville
Deville destroys Riott with a running knee. Ripley dropkicks Brooke off the apron.
Dana Brooke has been Eliminated.
Vega peaks from under the ring and laughs at Brooke. Hornswoggle crawls from under the ring and chases Vega. Vega runs into the ring and gets tossed out by Ripley.
Zelina Vega has been Eliminated.
Entrant #26: Alexa Bliss
Bliss hits insult to injury on Moon. Flair knees Bliss in the gut. Flair tries to powerbomb Bliss but Bliss hits a code red. Deville attacks Bliss from behind. Bliss lands a right hand that sends Deville tumbling to the outside.
Sonya Deville has been Eliminated.
Entrant #27: Bayley
Bayley tries to hit deadly nightshade but Bayley sends Riott over the top. Ripley charges at Bayley but Bayley back body drops her over the top rope.
Ruby Riott and Rhea Ripley have been Eliminated.
Entrant #28: Lana
Lana limps out on the stage. She was injured during the U.S. title match. Lana can barely make it down to the ring. Referees and officials check on Lana.
Entrant #29: Nia Jax
On the way to the ring, Jax kicks Lana in the stomach. Jax stomps on Lana’s injured ankle. Jax sends Lana head first into the barricade. Jax gets in the ring and clotheslines everyone. Shirai tries a moonsault but Jax catches Shirai and tosses her over the top.
Io Shirai has been Eliminated.
Natalya picks up Jax and almost sends her over the top. Jax counters and sends Natalya over the top.
Natalya has been Eliminated.
Entrant #30:  Carmella
Carmella hits a ranna on Jax. Outside the ring, Becky Lynch walks down and pleads with Fit Finley to let her in the match. Finley agrees. Lynch gets in the ring and goes nose to nose with Jax. Lynch decks Jax. Flair tries to toss Lynch out. Lynch hooks the ropes. Missile dropkick off the top by Lynch to Jax. Moon and Bliss fight out to the apron. Moon and Bliss trade strikes. Bliss choke pushes Moon out of the ring.
Ember Moon has been Eliminated.
Bayley buckle bombs Bliss. Carmella and Bayley dump Bliss to the outside.
Alexa Bliss has been Eliminated.
Bayley hits a flying elbow off the top onto Jax. Flair goes up top but Carmella cuts her off. Carmella tries the Stratusphere but Flair hooks Carmella’s legs. Flair almost sends Carmella over the top. Carmella ends up on the apron. Carmella kicks Jax in the face. Flair superkicks Carmella off the apron.
Carmella has been Eliminated.
Jax picks up Bayley for a Samoan drop. Flair kicks Jax in the head, causing Bayley to fall off Jax’s shoulders to the outside.
Bayley has been Eliminated.
Flair boots Jax in the head multiple times. Flair picks up Jax on her shoulders. Flair drops Jax on her head. Flair lifts Jax out to the apron. Lynch sneaks up behind Jax and pulls her off the apron.
Nia Jax has been Eliminated.
The final two are Flair and Lynch. Jax runs over Lynch outside the ring. Lynch hits her knee on the barricade. Lynch is clutching at her knee. Referees check on Lynch as Flair laughs in the ring. Lynch gets in the ring. Flair chop blocks Lynch. Flair stomps on Lynch’s injured leg. Lynch manages to enziguri Flair. Lynch sends Flair out to the apron. Flair kicks Lynch in the leg. Flair suplexes Lynch. Lynch can barely stand. Flair charges in and gets sent back out to the apron. Lynch clotheslines Flair off the apron
Charlotte Flair has been Eliminated.

Winners and Number One Contender For The Championship Of Her Choosing, Becky Lynch!

WWE Survivor Series 2018 Results – November 18th, 2018
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Women’s Survivor Series Match: Sasha Banks, Bayley, Mickie James, Nia Jax, And Tamina w/Alexa Bliss vs Naomi, Asuka, Mandy Rose, Sonya Deville, And Carmella

Tamina and Naomi circle each other. Naomi rolls up Tamina. Tamina kicks out. Dropkick by Naomi. Tamina takes a swing at the SD Live team. A huge brawl breaks out. Back in the ring. Naomi hits the Disaster kick on Jax. Tamina superkicks Naomi for the pin.

Naomi has been eliminated.

Carmella rolls up Tamina for the pinfall.

Tamina has been eliminated.

Carmella dances in the ring. Jax chokeslams Carmella. Carmella tags in Mandy Rose. Jax runs over Rose. Rose kicks out. Rose catches Jax with a sick knee to the face. James tags in and hits a neck breaker on Rose. Rose puts James in an abdominal stretch. James reverses it into an Indian death lock. Rose gets to the ropes. Rose tags in Asuka. Hip attack by Asuka. Asuka puts James in an octopus hold. James reverses it into a pin. Asuka kicks out. Deville tags in and spears James into the corner. James head scissors Deville out of the corner. Bayley tags herself in. Bayley elbow drops Deville for a near fall. Banks and Bayley work over Deville. James tags herself in and hits a senton off the top. Deville kicks out. Deville destroys James with a running knee to the face. As Deville tries to pin James, Rose pushes Deville out of the way to get the pin for herself.

Mickie James has been eliminated.

Deville and Rose argue. Carmella eats a Bayley-to-Belly. She’s done.

Carmella has been eliminated.

Rose hits the ring and attacks Bayley. Rose stomps Bayley in the corner. Banks tags in and puts Rose in the Banks Statement. Rose taps out.

Mandy Rose has been eliminated.

Asuka hip attacks Banks in the corner. Deville and Asuka take turns beating down Banks. Banks manages to tag in Bayley. Running knee by Bayley… there have been a ton of running knees so far this weekend… Anyway, Deville kicks out. Deville spine busters Bayley. Jax breaks up the pin. The crowd boos Jax mercilessly. Asuka kicks Jax in the head. Banks catches Asuka with Meteora to the outside. Back suplex by Bayley. Deville kicks out. Bayley and Deville fall out of the ring. Bayley hits the Bayley-to-Belly on Deville out on the floor. Bayley and Deville have both been counted out.

Bayley and Deville have been eliminated.


Banks pushes Asuka. Asuka dropkicks Banks. Asuka hits a popup knee on Banks. Asuka obliterates Banks with a German suplex. Asuka hip attacks Jax off the apron. Banks gets kicks off the apron by Asuka. Asuka tries to kick Banks but Banks catches Asuka’s foot. Banks drops Asuka face-first on the ring apron. Asuka hip attacks Banks again. Asuka goes up top and lands a missile dropkick. Banks narrowly escapes the Asuka lock. Banks hits the running double knees on Asuka. Banks goes up top. Jax pushes Banks off the top rope. Asuka puts Banks in the Asuka Lock. Banks taps out. Jax leg drops Asuka four times. Jax hits a Samoan drop for the win.

Winners- Team Raw

Sole Survivor- Nia Jax

WWE Extreme Rules 2018 Results – July 15th, 2018
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Extreme Rules Raw Women’s Championship Match: Alexa Bliss (c) w/Mickie James vs Nia Jax w/Natalya (Ronda Rousey is in the crowd)

Bliss slaps Jax. Bliss runs out of the ring. Bliss tries to hit Jax with a kendo stick. Jax breaks it. James keeps throwing Bliss weapons but every time Bliss swings one Jax grabs it and throw it into the ring. Jax splashes Bliss in the corner. Jax tosses Bliss onto a chair. Headbutt by Jax. Jax sets up a trash can. Jax gorilla press slams Bliss onto a trash can. Bliss rolls out of the ring. Bliss smacks Jax with a trash can lid. Bliss hits Jax over and over again.

Bliss sets up a chair in the corner. Jax headbutts Bliss. Jax tries to spear Bliss in the corner but Bliss moves out of the way. Jax goes head first into the chair. James tries to hand Bliss a trash can lid. Natalya attacks James. Bliss and James beat down Jax. Rousey jumps the barricade and beats the crap out of James. Rousey tosses James over the announce desk. Rousey chases Bliss around the ring. Rousey gets her hands on Bliss but James hits Rousey with a kendo stick. Jax picks up Bliss for a Samoan drop. James hits Jax with a chair. Bliss DDTs Jax on a chair for the win.

Winner and STILL Raw Women’s Champion, Alexa Bliss!