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WWE Monday Night Raw Results – September 21st, 2020
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Number One Contender’s Match: Zelina Vega vs. Mickie James

Vega is all over James. Vega stomps James in the corner. Vega grabs James by the hair and yells at her.James slams Vega down by her head. James swings Vega by her hair. Vega locks James in the octopus. James drives Vega into the corner to break the hold. Vega locks James in another octopus hold using the ropes. Vega breaks the hold at four. Vega tries a tornado DDT James avoids it and hits a seated senton. Vega kicks out. James calls for the MickDT. Vega counters and sends James into the middle rope. Vega lands a Backstabber for the win.

Winner- Zelina Vega

WWE Monday Night Raw Results – September 14th, 2020
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Backstage, Mickie James says she loves this business and is going to win her seventh title tonight.

RAW Women’s Championship Match: Asuka (c) vs. Mickie James

James and Asuka trade pin attempts. James mocks Asuka. Asuka almost locks her in the Asuka Lock. Asuka tries to taunt James but James kicks Asuka’s legs out from under her. Asuka catches James with the pop-up knee. James kick out. After the break, James lands a senton off the top. Asuka kicks out. Asuka drops James with a spinning back fist. Asuka lays in a few stiff kicks. Asuka hits the ropes and James rolls her into a single leg crab. James lands the Chick Kick. Asuka gets her hand on the bottom rope. Asuka and James trade pin attempts. Neither can get a three count. Asuka rolls James into the Asuka Lock. The referee stops the match.

Winner and STILL RAW Women’s Champion, Asuka!

WWE Monday Night Raw Results – August 31st, 2020
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In-Ring Segment: Asuka

Charly asks Asuka who she thinks should be her next challenger. Asuka says she has beaten everyone. No one is ready for Asuka, but Asuka is ready for anything. Mickie James interrupts. James puts over Asuka as one of the greatest champions of all time. James says out of respect, she wants Asuka to know she is coming for the RAW Women’s Championship. Lana and Natalya walk down to the ring. Natty says James is selfish. Lana makes fun of James’ gear. Lana says if James’ wants to get to Natty she has to go through her first. Asuka says she is ready for ALL OF THEM. Lana and Natty attack. Asuka and James clear the ring.

Lana w/Natalya vs. Mickie James 

Asuka is on commentary. After a distraction from Natty, Lana takes control of James. Suplex by Lana. James kicks out. Lana slams James down by her hair. Lana slaps James. James slaps Lana. Thez press by James. James follows that up with two clotheslines. James sets up the MickDT. Lana escapes. James hits the Chick Kick for the win.

Winner- Mickie James

After the match, James and Asuka jaw at each other.

WWE Monday Night Raw Results – August 24th, 2020
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In-Ring Segment: Natalya and Lana

They are here to pay tribute to Mickie James’ career. Natalya says it ends tonight. They are here to retire James. Natalya put together a Hall of Fame video package for James. Natalya points to the screen and nothing plays. Natalya says James doesn’t have any highlights to show. James runs down to the ring and decks Natalya. Lana eats a Chick Kick.

WWE Monday Night Raw Results – August 17th, 2020
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Mickie James vs. Natalya w/Lana

Natty pushes James. James tackles Natty and unloads on her. James tries the Mick-DT but Natty reverses it into a discus clothesline. Rollins and Murphy power walk to the ring and accost Samoa Joe. Rollins demands Joe tell him how he knows Rey Mysterio is going to be here tonight. Back in the ring, Lana distracts James which allows Natty to push James off the top. James is counted out.

Winner- Natalya

After the match, James kicks Lana in the face. Rollins grabs a mic and says if Mysterio or Dominik show up tonight he will end them both.

WWE WrestleMania 35 Results – April 7th, 2019
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As the match starts Nikki Cross goes nuts. A huge brawl breaks out. Cross chases Maria around the ring. Cross tosses Maria over the top for the elimination. Candice LeRae is suplexed on the top rope by Cross. Asuka kicks Cross in the head. Asuka hip attacks both Cross and LeRae out of the ring. Moon hits the Eclipse on Lana. Moon eliminated Naomi. Moon hits the Eclipse on Mandy. Lana eliminates Moon. Sane destroys Lana with a chop. Sarah Logan tosses out Lana. Sane hits the InSANE elbow on Logan. Riott superkicks Sane off the apron. Sane has been eliminated.

Logan and Morgan hit a snap stunner on Vega. Brooke toses out Riott and Morgan. Vega hits Meteora on Brooke. Mandy and Deville toss out Vega. Deville eliminates Brooke. James superkicks Rose off the apron. Deville elminatesJames. Asuka, Logan, and Deville are the final three. Asuka and Deville are eliminated by Logan. Logan thinks she has won. Carmella is still in the match. Camella eliminates Logan for the win!

Winner- Carmella

WWE Monday Night Raw Results – January 28th, 2019
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WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship Tournament Match: Nia Jax and Tamina vs Alexa Bliss and Mickie James

Bliss slaps Tamina. Tamina pushes Bliss down to the mat. Bliss rolls Tamina into a pin. Bliss hits insult to injury. Tamina tags in Jax. Bliss tries to run away. Jax runs over Bliss and knocks James off the apron at the same time. After the break, Bliss misses a second insult to injury. Tamina tags in Jax. Jax chokes Bliss in the corner. Jax stink faces Bliss. Jax and Tamina work over Bliss. Bliss finally tags in James. James kicks Tamina in the head. Top rope seated senton by James. James kicks Tamina in the face. Jax tags in and misses an avalanche in the corner. Jax counters James tornado DDT. Jax lifts James up for a Samoan drop. Jax takes Bliss off the top and Samoan drops Bliss and James at the same time. It’s over.

Winners- Tamina and Nia Jax

WWE Monday Night Raw Results – January 21st, 2019
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A Moment of Bliss:
Bliss puts over the Women’s Royal Rumble. Bliss announces some of the Women’s Royal Rumble participants. Bliss’ guess tonight is Nia Jax. Bliss asks Jax who Jax is going to pick if she wins the Rumble. Ember Moon interrupts. Moon says she is tired of sitting there waiting for her shot. Moon says she is going to win the Rumble this Sunday. Alicia Fox walks out and says she is going to win the Rumble. Mickie James comes out and says she is going to win. The Riott Squad, Dana Brooke, Tamina, and Nikki Cross walk out on the stage. Everyone starts to argue. Bliss stands on a chair and tells everyone to calm down. A huge brawl breaks out. The women fight to the back. Bliss announces that she is entering the Rumble. Lacey Evans walks out and says she is going to win the Rumble.
WWE Monday Night Raw Results – December 17th, 2018
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Women’s Gauntlet Match:
Alica Fox and Bayley start the match. Bayley lands a Saito suplex. After the break, Fox is beating down Bayley in the corner. Bayley tweaks her knee trying to do a leapfrog. Fox boots Bayley in the face. Fox goes for a cover but Bayley reverses it and gets the three count.
Alicia Fox has been eliminated.
Dana Brooke is next. Brooke attacks Bayley. Bayley can’t stand. Brooke lands her handspring corner splash. Bayley kicks out. Bayley surprises Brooke with the Bayley-to-Belly for the pinfall.
Dana Brooke has been eliminated.
Mickie James is up next. James lands a neck breaker for a near fall. James lands her senton off the top. Bayley turns it into a pin. James kicks out. James kicks Bayley in the face. Bayley kicks out. Bayley can barely stand. Bayley lands her top rope elbow. James gets her foot on the rope. Second rope stunner by Bayley. James hits her Mick DDT for the pinfall.
Bayley has been eliminated.
Ember Moon hits the ring but James dropkicks her before she can get in the ring. Moon front flips out of an arm drag. Jame boots Moon in the gut. Moon lands a springboard splash. Moon misses a baseball slide. James tries to powerbomb Moon off the apron. Moon hangs onto the ropes. James trips Moon so she lands face first on the ring apron. James dives off the top but Moon hits a high knee. Moon lands the Eclypse for the pin.
Mickie James has been eliminated.
Natalya runs down to the ring. Moon and Natalya trade pin attempts. Moon kicks Natalya in the head. Tornado suplex by Moon. Moon runs right into a discus clothesline by Natalya. Moon kick out. Natalya gets the pin after an Oklahoma roll.
Ember Moon has been eliminated.
Ruby Riott and the Riott Squad walk out on the ramp. During the break Riott takes control. Riott has Natalya in a guillotine. Natalya power slams her way out of it. Riott knees Natalya in the face. Natalya fires up and lands two snap suplexes. Natalya tries another discus clothesline but Riott counters with the STO. Riott misses her reverse senton. Natalya rolls up Riott for the pin.
Ruby Riott has been eliminated.
Sasha Banks hits the ring and lands a dropkick. Corner knees by Banks. Rolling DDT by Banks. Natalya kicks out. After the break, both Banks and Natalya are both down. Natalya lands a basement dropkick for a near fall. Natalya destroys Banks with a clothesline. Banks kicks out again. Natalya puts Banks in the Sharpshooter. Banks does a front roll that sends Natalya flying into the middle turnbuckle. Natalya walks over to Banks. Banks rolls Natalya into a single leg crab, Lance Storm style. Banks rolls Natalya into the Banks Statement. Natalya rolls through and obliterates Banks with a German suplex. Banks hits Meteroa off the top. Natalya kicks out yet again. Natalya counters the backstabber by Banks. Banks tries the rolling DDT again but Natalya turns it into the alley-oop. Banks taps out.
Winner- Natalya
After the match, Natalya checks on Banks. Rousey walks down to the ring. Rousey raises Natalya’s hand. Rousey shakes Natalya’s hand. Natalya and Rousey hug.
WWE Monday Night Raw Results – December 3rd, 2018
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In Ring Segment: Alexa Bliss

Bliss says she is going to do everything in her power to lead the women’s division. Last week her open forum with Sasha Banks and Bayley didn’t work as she planned. Bliss wants to try it one more time. Banks and Bayley join Bliss in the ring. Bayley asks how long it going to take for Bliss’ cronies to attack them. Bliss says that wasn’t on her and she reprimanded the everyone involved. Banks and Bayley answer the crowd’s questions. Bayley makes a corny joke about making Bliss disappear. Bayley says she wants to win the women’s tag team titles with Banks. Graves points out that there are no such titles. Dana Brooke, Alicia Fox, and Mickie James run down to the ring. Bliss stops the heels from getting in the ring. Bliss tells them this isn’t happening on her watch. If they are so eager to fight they can have a tag match right here, right now.

Bayley and Sasha Banks vs Mickie James and Alicia Fox

Fox takes Bayley over with a northern lights suplex. Bayley kicks out. The heels take turns working over Bayley. Bayley manages to tag in Banks. Banks puts Fox in the Banks Statement. James breaks up the submission. Banks hits a backstabber on James. James bounces into Bayley, who hits the Bayley-to-Belly for the win.

Winners- Bayley and Sasha Banks